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Bronze Age Revelations: Human Remains Discovered in Dorset During Excavation of Iron Age Settlement.

Archeology studies from Bournemouth University have uncovered Bronce Age enterramient for the excavation of prehistoric cemeteries in Dorset.

It is the first time that Bronce Age bones have been discovered at the site of Winterborne Kingston, where the Department of Archeology and Anthropology of the university has been excavating Iron Age asentamiens for almost a year uince years.

Credit: Bournemouth University

The settlements inhabited by the Durotriges tribe date back approximately to 100 BC, while the Bronze Age began about 2000 years ago.

“This year we have found a man attached to a very tight tamba with many necklaces, which is most distinctive of the end of the Neolithic period and the beginning of the Early Bronze Age, as far as we can tell “about 4,000 years old” said Dr. Miles Russell, senior professor of archeology and head of field work at Bournemouth University.

Credit: University of Bournemouth

“This nos gives the idea that the gente has lived here for a significant period of time. It is not only the period just antes the arrival of the Romans, but que cultivated this landscape, cultivated and buried sus dead at least four millennia ago,” he added.

The man fue encontrated en una crouching position, which is consistent with Bronce Age practices and those in which people were mummified after dying and buried en the surface durante u n period of time antes being enterred en shallow pits.

Durante the past few weeks, the team of 110 students, staff and volunteers from the University of Bournemouth has also discovered the exhumed remains of Iron Age persons, as well as bones of animales such as cattle, horses, lechones and goats en antiguos warehouses. wells en the site.

The Dr. Russell believes that the combination of parts of encontred animals and some wells might have served as an offering to the gods and goddesses of the comunity in exchange for fertility and successful harvests.

In addition to the squelets, the team has also discovered a variety of everyday articles used by the Durotriges tribe two thousand years ago, such as pottery vessels, jewelery and working tools, inclued stones made for weaving con asta of deer.

Credit: University of Bournemouth

Credit: Bournemouth University

The discoveries provided new insights into the lifestyle of our ancient ancestors and helped rewrite British prehistory.

“We don’t know much about what life was like before the arrival of the Roma. But at this site in Dorset, we only have large agricultural settlements, but we also have human lands, which is really important from an archaeological perspective,” explained Dr. Rössell as well. icated of prey.

“In most of the country we found many skeletons before the arrival of the Romans, but in Dorset, prehistoric communities buried their dead in defined tombs. Where we have bones, we can learn more about their diet, grooming, and also migration patterns. There is the whole late prehistoric state of society aspect that we see here but we really don’t see anywhere else in Britain,” he added.

The excavation has already finished for another year, but Dr Rössell and the university’s Department of Archeology and Athropology have carried out studies of the nearby areas and are scheduled to return to Winterborne Kingston next year.